SHINRYU, World of Music
Enjoy his world of music...
SHINRYU's first album "INNOCENCE"
Now streaming on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon Music, KK BOX and others.
Album "Merry Christmas"
SHINRYU, featured by BJ Sam.
(SHIN→SHINRYU, stage name changed in 2022)
SHINRYU joined the project to connect the world in Christmas 2021 as Japan's representative.
More than 20 stunning artists around the globe sang the song together in their mother tongue including Oscar-nominated actor Paul Raci and Grammy-nominated Electric Bassist Mark Corradetti.
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What's SHINRYU doing in Music?
Singer, Songwriter & Composer, and Music producer.
Songwriter & Composer
Music Producer
- SHINRYU is a Japanese artist (performing artist, an actor, a singer-songwriter & a music producer, and a theatre director & producer).
He has experienced more than 1,000 stages since his debut including small theatres, middle-size theatres, and big theatres mainly in Japan and Europe including France, the Netherlands, the UK, and Russia as a performing artist and an actor for about 10 years. SHINRYU also has more than 10 years of experience as a singer-songwriter and officially debuted as a singer in 2021 worldwide.
In theatre performance, he performs and directs his arts and entertainments based on Japanese traditions with unique expressions and modern interpretations. He is one of the masters in an authentic sword fighting performance descended from the traditions of the New National Theatre ("Shinkokugeki"), Japanese dance descended from the traditions of the Kabuki theatre ("Bando-Ryu" & "Fujima-Ryu"), and traditional mask dance "Okame-Hyottoko". He also learned European-style performance techniques in France and Nederlands in 2013 and 2017.
Created his own performance company called TEAM SAMURAI (2012 - 2015), won the prize for best performance and was presented with the individual award for best director at a high-level theatre competition held in Saint Petersburg, Russia organized with the cooperation of the Japanese consulate general (2012).
Joined a world-scale project called "Merry Christmas" in 2021 and sang with stunning artists including Oscar-nominated actor Paul Raci and Grammy-nominated Electric Bassist Mark Corradetti.
He launched his own company RICEball.inc to enhance his creativity, and set up RICEBALL Entertainment in 2022 for music producing. He released his first album in 2023 called "INNOCENCE".
Originally came from Tokyo, and lived in the UK and Czech Republic for long years. Currently, living in Czech Republic, finished his 2023 year of Prague Conservatory.
パフォーミングアーティスト、アクター、シンガーソングライター、作曲家、童話作家、演出家、プロデューサー。表現者。日本、フランス、オランダ、イギリス、ロシア等、世界的に活動。パフォーミングアーティストとして約10年間で経験したステージは1,000を超える。舞台演出家、プロデューサーとしても精力的に舞台作品を創作し、2012年、日本総領事館主催の元、芸術の都サンクトペテルブルク (ロシア) で開催された高等演劇コンクールで、最優秀パフォーマンス賞と最優秀ディレクター賞をダブル受賞。
その後一般企業に勤めながら、10代から続けていたシンガーソングライターとしての活動を再開。イギリス滞在中に書き溜めていた楽曲の発表を迷っていたところ、2021年、ハリウッドにも楽曲を提供しているミュージシャンのBJ Samにオファーを受け、全世界規模プロジェクト「Merry Christmas」に参加。先がけてワールドデビューとなる。ハリウッドの名優Paul Raciや、グラミー賞ノミネートベーシストMark Corradettiら世界的アーティスト達と共に1曲のクリスマスソングを紡いだ。
同年、アーティスト名をSHIN (Shinnosuke) からSHINRYUに変更。
2022年、RICEBALL Entertainmentからシングル7曲を発表。2023年3月にはファーストアルバム「INNOCENCE」をリリース。
2024年、クラシックの殿堂プラハコンセルヴァトワール2023年期修了。現在、クラシックシンギングをJiri Kubik氏に、指揮をMiriam Nemcova氏に師事。
Let's grab a cup and collaborate!
© SHINRYU & RICEball.inc & RICEBALL Entertainment 2023